The Frustrations of Being a Sports Mom
Last year my son started playing t-ball and has spent the last two springs and summers practicing and playing games.
This year is his first year playing YFL (Youth Football League) flag football. Football is one of my favorite sports, so look forward to this time of year. I was so excited when my son told me that he wanted to play YFL.
Now, I can be competitive at times. I’ve always had a good experience with his t-ball games. So naturally, I expected the same out of YFL. He had his first game this past Saturday and I was just as excited as he was about it. Then, as the game went on, the frustration started.
The scorekeepers took the scoreboard down before the game was even over, then no one could tell us what the score was nor how much time was left in the game. I understand they are kids, but as parents we want to know what to tell our kids when they ask if they won their game.
Another frustration was one of the kids on our team pulled another kids flag before he crossed the goal line and the other team still got the point even though he plain as day hadn’t crossed the goal line with both flags. Again, I know they're kids, but does this teach children fair play?
Needless to say, my husband and I were somewhat frustrated at the end of the game. But I learned some things after the game to ease my mind about these frustrations.
They’re kids, and at my son's age they don’t care about winning or losing. It’s all about getting out there and having fun!
The Lone Star Mommy is Jessica Paggett, who works behind-the-scenes on KFYO’s Morning Show, Lubbock’s First News with Tom Collins and Laura Mac. Read more of her blogs.
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