City of Lubbock Admits to Excessive Force in Escarcega Case
On Monday, February 1, the City of Lubbock filed documents in federal court pertaining to its own defense in the December 3 lawsuit by Jose Carlos Escarcega-Ysaias.
Escarcega is suing under accusations of excessive force used by police officers Michael Jordan and Tye Edwards during his arrest back in July.
Police were trying to arrest Escarcega on foot on 19th and Iola when he commandeered Corporal Ryan Durrett's patrol vehicle and crashed it while Durrett held on.
Jordan and Edwards arrived on the scene after the crash and that's when the alleged excessive force occurred. Jordan himself admits to kicking the perpetrator in the face and hitting him with an ASP baton, but believes such force was warranted.
The City admitted that excessive force was used in this case according to City policy, but asked that Escarcega not be awarded any money, citing that his injuries were the effect of his own actions.
The two police officers accused in this case both admitted to getting physical with Escarcega, but defended their actions to the court on Tuesday saying, Escarcega was resisting arrest and endangering the safety of law enforcement officer Corporal Ryan Durrett.
Both Durrett and Escarcega were hospitalized immediately following this incident.
Durrett is simultaneously suing Escarcega in State District Court for $1 million or more dollars.
[via Everything Lubbock]