Texas Rattlesnakes Could Be Hiding In Popular Pool Toys

With temperatures rising and schools wrapping up, a lot of Texans are starting to get back to their swimming pools with all the toys and accessories that go with pools and summertime fun. But there's something that police in one Texas town are warning citizens about.
Apparently, those brightly covered pool noodles that people use to float around on and beat each other up with are the perfect home for rattlesnakes. And a really good pool day can be ruined pretty fast by a rattlesnake that's decided to hang out inside one of those pool noodles.
According to KXAN, a social media post by the Salado Volunteer Fire Department warned about rattlesnakes inside pool noodles. Apparently someone picked up the pool noodle and a large rattlesnake fell out. There were also baby snakes inside the pool noodle.
From KXAN:
The department noted that with temperatures rising, it is common for snakes to look for dark and cool spaces to hide during the day. They recommended keeping pool toys elevated or sealed if you’re keeping them outside.
The department said if a snake does bit you, stay calm and head to the hospital as soon as possible. Be able to describe the snake to hospital staff as best as you can.
They say don’t do things like trying to cut the wound, suck the venom out or try to capture the snake.
Hopefully, nothing like that will happen to you, but if you do leave stuff outside, you never know what will get in. It's also good advice about staying calm from the fire fighters as I don't know how many people would stay calm if they saw a rattlesnake hanging out at the pool party.
You can see the Facebook post from the Salado, Texas Volunteer Fire Department below.
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