No, Lubbock Police Aren’t Calling To Arrest You Because You Have Warrants
Do they think we're stupid or something?
Actually, yeah. They do.
Like clockwork, the scammers are at it again in the Hub City. This time, they've actually gone so far as to spoof (impersonate) an actual Lubbock County Sheriff's Department phone number. According to a statement from the Sheriff's office, the call starts out with the scammer saying that there is a warrant out for your arrest, and saying that the matter can be resolved by payment over the phone. The scammer is usually quite persistent which results in their target giving up some kind of information to make it "go away", when in reality there is no warrant.
What makes these scams even more dangerous, is that the scammer will actually use the real name of the target (you) in the call, and refer to an actual Lubbock County Sheriff's Deputy by name (who is NOT actually looking for you) to convince the mark of the seriousness of the matter, in order to gain personal info, such as credit card numbers and other sensitive information.
The Lubbock County Sheriff's Office continues to stress that they do NOT call people if they have warrants, and ask them to pay it off. They'd probably be more apt to just go ahead and drag your butt to jail if you have an active warrant.
Obviously, the biggest concern would be for the elderly who are most likely to be taken by a scam such as this. Heck, even my own mother had an instance like this when she was alive, and I had to step in and basically tell the scammers that I was on the radio and ready to call the police on them before they gave up and left my mom alone. Bottom line is, don't give personal info over the phone to anyone you do not know. Ever.
There are some really shady people in the world, which sucks because we all wish we could trust a little more than we do.