Eddie McBride Talks Expo Center and Young Entrepreneurs Academy
Tuesday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, the President and CEO of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce Eddie McBride joined Dave and Matt to talk about several topics concerning the chamber including kids getting out of school soon, the expo center, how many visitors Lubbock has, the Young Entrepreneurs Academy Graduation, Austin, the Texas Tech Vet School, and more.
Eddie started the discussion by talking about the expo center and what the plans are moving forward. When the point was brought up that the chamber supports the expo center, Eddie said, "We certainly do, yes sir. We've supported it ever since we led the effort to do away with the auditorium-coliseum." McBride was asked if he was worried that hotel tax would be raised too much if the expo center was built, to which Eddie responded that he was not. Eddie then went on to explain the variety of things that could take place in a dirt floor arena, including livestock judging, horse shows, concerts, the Business Expo, and more.
"There's a lot of things from a trade show representation that this new expo center brings to play as well. It's going to be an important addition to our community and I think it's very well needed, especially for the visitors."
McBride also discussed the Young Entrepreneurs Academy holding their graduation. The kids this year went in front of investors to give their speeches, got their certificates, and even sold their wares at the South Plains Mall. "It's been a pretty cool project. This is our third year and so were really proud to have a chance to teach kids how to do their own business," Eddie said.
Learn more at lubbockchamber.com or by calling 761-7000 and watch the full interview with Eddie McBride in the video above.
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