Chris Beard Has Made So Many Coaching Stops He Can’t List Them
Coach Beard has been making the Media rounds this week during the Final 4 and he had a memorable time on the Dan Patrick Show trying to list the many jobs he's held in the last twenty years. He's had so many he forgets a stop as he tried to list them out.
It's amusing that he missed North Texas on the run through, but you can tell how much each stop meant to him. He could just run through the list of schools, but he mentions a mentor at each stop. Tom Penders. Danny Casper. Shannon Hays. Kevin Gundy. Bob Knight. Vic Trilly. Rusty Beene. Ron Holmes. These names will always be a part of Chris Beard and his legacy. All in all, Beard has 12 coaching stops, and I bet you he can give you a lesson from every place.
Beard goes on in the interview to say he's told his guys two things this week. To "Smell the Roses" and to "Be You." To take the moment in but not forget who you are. He also tells Patrick that he doesn't think that winning a National Championship will change him because he is who he is.
I encourage you to take in the whole interview if you want to hear Beard be entertaining and talk about Coach Knight and how he will kick his players out of practice so he can go to dinner early. There are also serious moments where Beard talks about family and the emotions of the Final 4.
He also relays a great anecdote about how he stays humble because his breakfast burrito lady makes him pay for his extra salsa.
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