"The Texas wine industry has grown very dramatically in the last ten years," Dr. Ed Hellman, Professor of Viticulture and Enology at Texas Tech University, told Tom and Laura Wednesday (March 4).
Millennials are set to make up at least 75 percent of the workforce by 2025 said Carrie Maslen, Global Vice President for small and medium business enterprises.
Sweetwater Jaycees Rattlesnake Roundup is all about safety and educating the public on what to do if you encounter a rattlesnake out in the wild, Rob McCann told Lubbock's First News with Tom and Laura.
Human trafficking is a problem that is right here in our backyard. Libby White and Jennifer Simek with the Junior League of Lubbock joined Tom and Laura to discuss human trafficking and how Lubbockites can better educate themselves on this topic.
Hospice of Lubbock volunteer Becky Postar joined Tom and Laura Tuesday morning (Feb. 24) to talk about the Mayors' Beans and Cornbread Luncheon at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.
Texas State Senator Charles Perry joined Tom and Laura Monday morning to talk about open carry. This is a topic that Texas hasn't considered earnestly up until this point.
The first Coordinator of Alumni Relations at South Plains College Stephanie Smith joined Tom and Laura to talk about the creation of the South Plains College Alumni Association.