If you recognize the name Cailer Woolam, you're either into the powerlifting scene, love world records, or remember this Texas Tech Football 'transfer' prank. However you know him (or don't), you should know he's representing Lubbock nationally and totally kicking teeth in.

This weekend, Woolam was in Moscow and set yet another world record during the WRPF World Championship meet. His 948-lb. lift broke the all-time world record in his weight class and was the heaviest deadlift in competition by an American ever, according to Doctor Deadlift himself.

In the same Instagram post, Woolam said it was his 4th straight meet to break a world record.


Woolam is making Lubbock proud by dominating the world. He also set a PR for total meet lift, hoisting more than 2,000 pounds between his deadlift, squat and bench press.

It wasn't without a little drama, though. Woolam ripped a layer of his thumb off in the process. You can see the carnage below.

World records are always fun, and Lubbock people dominating in their field is even more special. Congrats to Doctor Deadlift, Cailer Woolam, and here's to more world domination in the future!

Here's a behind the scenes look at the meet from Moscow and Woolam talking about his experience and a better look at his disgusting thumb:

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