It may seem obvious, but there are some things that you really shouldn't do when in the presence of a jury or judge in Texas. Yelling obscenities, getting in physical altercations and taking a phone call seem self-explanatory, but there are other lesser-known rules that you should probably be aware of.

Texas Courtroom Dress Codes

First off, if you are scheduled to appear before a judge in court, there are some strict dress codes you must adhere to. Some Texas counties are different, but essentially, courtroom participants are expected to dress professional with appropriate footwear.

The Fort Worth Court of Appeals states that "appropriate business attire" includes the following:

  • Business suit
  • A dress
  • A skirt with professional blouse or sweater
  • A sport coat with dress slacks and shirt and tie

What is NOT allowed from courtroom participants and visitors alike are shorts, tank tops, baseball hats, ripped clothing of any kind, or T-shirts.

Texas Courtroom Etiquette

Now that you are dressed for the part, it's time to focus on your behavior. The Varghese Summersett law firm provides basic do's and don'ts of the courtroom:

  • Turn off all cell phones
    • The last thing you want is to delay a proceeding because your phone starts ringing
  • Leave food, drinks, and tobacco products at home
    • This includes chewing gum. Just eat before you arrive; never bring food into court
  • Stand when the judge enters or leaves the room
    • This is a recognition of respect for the U.S. legal system
  • Do not bring children to court
    • Concentration is paramount during court proceedings. Children can be... distracting at times
  • Do not take naps, read phone/books or prop feet on tables
    • These all are highly inappropriate and show a lack of respect for the judge, jury, and the overall legal system

Courtroom Violations

So, what happens if you violate any of these courtroom standards? It's really up to the judge, but most infractions will result in a fine. In severe cases, the judge can find you in contempt of court.

Those found in contempt can face sanctions such as fines, jail time or even required social service, so just be nice in court and it will all go a lot smoother.

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