Representative Jodey Arrington on The Chad Hasty Show discussing progress on tax reform, as well as unfounded fears being stoked around removing "net neutrality" regulations put in place by the Obama administration.
"If you are a licensed gun owner and believe that you have a fundamental right to protect yourself and your family then that shouldn't stop at the state line. This is a constitutional fundamental right. However, we also believe in the 10th amendment which is state sovereignty, and so you respect the various laws within the state. I think it struck a good balance."
Representative Jodey Arrington on The Chad Hasty Show discussing his optimism that tax reform will pass in the Senate, as well as other news from Washington.
Matt Mackowiak on The Chad Hasty Show discussing the necessity for Republicans to pass tax reform, the contest over which party will control the next congress, and Democrat prospects for the next presidential election.