Sondra Ziegler came by the studio to make her official announcement that she will be running for the Republican Nomination in the District 83 Texas House of Representatives.
On the Friday edition of the Chad Hasty Show, Steve Massengale spoke about his campaign for District 83 on Texas House of Representatives.
Regarding illegal immigration, Massengale stated his belief that the federal officials have failed to secure the borders...
Steve Massengale, Lubbock ISD Board of Trustees President, spoke with Tom and Laura Wednesday morning about his thoughts on and concerns about schools and education.
He will be challenging Charles Perry for the seat. Massengale hopes to bring people together to work toward goals, particularly at the local level...
On the Tuesday edition of The Chad Hasty Show, KFYO News's Matt Crow spoke with Chad Hasty about Steve Massengale's recently announced campaign for the Texas House of Representatives.
Thursday on Lubbock's First News, State Representative Charles Perry announced his intention to run for re-election, before making a formal announcement later in the day.
Perry is the current representative of District 83. The formal announcement will take place Thursday November 14 at 12:15 p...
On Tuesday's edition of Lubbock's First News, Charles Perry, state representative of District 83, spoke with Chad and Rex about some of the issues he's addressing in his re-election campaign.