Santa Bush Has Come to Lubbock to Spread Christmas Cheer
There have been many awesome iterations of Lubbock's iconic Smiling Bush, but this one might be my favorite. It's downright adorable.
Rudolph appears to be having a rather epic journey through his mind. Maybe traveling the whole globe in one night does that to you. The reindeer behind him is rather unperturbed about the whole thing. But really, the star of the show is Smiling Bush's well-groomed eyebrows.
UPDATE: Santa Bush has since gotten "readers."
Smiling Bush's "cosplays" keep getting more and more elaborate, thanks to the efforts of Tracey Moreno and Lawn Pros. Last month, Smiling Bush was a Thanksgiving turkey, and he's also been everything from a Texas Tech Masked Rider to a Ninja Turtle.
Last Christmas, Smiling Bush went as The Grinch. Here's a photo with my darling Kelly, who I will desperately miss this holiday season.
I'm grateful that Smiling Bush is here to remind us that we are, first and foremost, a community. We are here, at this moment, in this place, together. He lives right in the middle of town (58th Street and Indiana Avenue, a few blocks from Market Street), and his seasonally appropriate outfits bring a smile to the thousands of passersby each day. He will always be iconic Lubbock to me, and he's also a treasured visual reminder of my friend that I get to see all the time.
A huge thank you to Amber Massoud, who has continually remembered to snap a photo for me of the Smiling Bush. I'm usually too lost in thought about him to remember to photo him.

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