On Tuesday's episode of Ryan Hyatt's Raiderland, Don Williams, Sportswriter at Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, joined the program to discuss National Signing Day, which happens on Wednesday.

Hyatt and Williams talked about the number of players that committed to Texas Tech back in December during the early signing period, and how many have committed since then.

"Back in mid-December when they signed those 11 guys, I thought that was probably half of the class," Williams said. "As we sit here on the eve of signing day, they have known commitments from about four or five other guys, so it looks like they may come up short of their goal."


The once former Talk 1340 hosts also discussed the announcement of the inaugural Texas Tech Basketball Ring of Honor inductees.

"I was discussing this with someone the other week," Williams said. "We were talking about the men's side in particular and I named seven different people. Four of those were chosen, so I feel pretty good."

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