Footage released by the Lubbock Police Department shows the events leading up to an arrest at a local Whataburger that turned violent early Saturday morning.

Following a 911 call about an aggressive man who was allegedly harassing people inside the Whataburger at 19th Street and Ave. Q, Officer Mitchell with the Lubbock Police Department arrived on the scene.

In the video above, which starts just as Mitchell approaches 30-year-old Eliseo Padilla III, the suspect explains how he wanted his money back because someone inside the Whataburger was insulting him, his son and his son's grandfather. Padilla's father was not at the restaurant.

Eliseo Padilla III mugshot
Eliseo Padilla III (Photo: Lubbock County Detention Center)

Officer Mitchell instructs Padilla during the course of the conversation to keep his hands out of his pockets, which he does. Then, Mitchell asks Padilla twice to put his hands on the top of his truck. Padilla refuses. Mitchell grabs Padilla's arm and says he needs to pat him down for weapons. After Padilla pulls his arms away from Mitchell, they begin to wrestle.

The video cuts out at moments due to the struggle, but you soon see Padilla sitting back inside his truck as Mitchell continues to try to make him obey.

Eventually, Mitchell is assisted by two other Lubbock police officers, who remove Padilla from the truck, put him on the ground and handcuff him. One of the officers used a taser during the arrest to subdue Padilla.

Due to the altercation, Mitchell's body cam is knocked around and parts of the video are audio only. You can hear one of the officers yell "stop resisting" at around the 2:20 mark. We've blurred the face of the child who was in the vehicle with Padilla during the incident to protect his identity.

Padilla was arrested for Assault on a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest and Failure to Identify.

Below, you can watch video shot by an eyewitness just as the physical altercation involving Officer Mitchell and Padilla begins (graphic language warning) and listen to the 911 call that brought Lubbock police to the fast food restaurant.

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