Lubbock ISD To Host Three “Information Nights” On 2018 Bond Election
On the ballot this November will be $130 million dollar bond election for Lubbock ISD. The measure was approved for the ballot by district trustees in August and if approved, would cover a number of different projects in Lubbock ISD.
According to a previous KFYO story, the bond would cover $40 million in security upgrades throughout the district. The bond will also cover expansion costs of Hardwick Elementary School. LISD voted to close Bowie Elementary next year and merge with Hardwick. If the bond is approved, construction will begin to expand Hardwick. If the bond is defeated, portable buildings will be placed at Hardwick.
There will be three Community Information Nights coming up regarding the Lubbock ISD Bond Election. The meetings all begin at 5:30 p.m. and will last for one hour. The meetings will occur on Tuesday, October 2nd at Monterey High School, Monday, October 8th at Estacado High School, and on Tuesday, October 16th at Coronado High School.