Lubbock City Councilman Victor Hernandez Alleges Political Threats From Recall Petition Organizer Ysidro Gutierrez
A Lubbock City Councilman alleges that one of the organizers of a recall petition against him may plan to find challengers for the elected position held by one of the councilman’s family members.
District One Lubbock City Councilman Victor Hernandez issued a release alleging that former Lubbock County Commissioner Ysidro Gutierrez arranged a meeting with local attorney Emilio Abeyta on Friday, June 7th.
Hernandez says that during the meeting, Gutierrez proposed that Councilman Hernandez resign his position on the Lubbock City Council and in exchange, the councilman’s wife’s position of Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 would not be opposed in the 2014 March primaries or general election.
The release continued, saying “Ysidro Gutierrez went on to say that should Councilman Hernandez not resign then, Ysidro Gutierrez was ready to have Judge Aurora Chaides-Hernandez undergo four elections in 2014.”
No runoffs will be held in the 2014 general election, making it possible for a maximum of three elections if Judge Hernandez were to face opposition.
Hernandez said “While I certainly understand the Gutierrez’ frustration, I have stated publicly on numerous occasions that I will not resign my position on the Lubbock City Council.”
The last day for Councilman Hernandez to resign is Monday, June 10th. Since he has stated that he will not resign, a November 5th recall election will be held following the success of a recall petition.
You can read more on the recall petition and election here.
Full text of Councilman Hernandez’ release is included below.
Are Threats Part of the Democratic Process?
Former Lubbock County Commissioner Ysidro Gutierrez, Republican, called attorney Emilio Abeyta this past Friday morning (June 7) and requested that Mr. Abeyta meet with him and Frank Gutierrez at 8:00 a.m.. that same day. The purpose was to see if Mr. Abeyta would act as a mediator as between the Gutierrez’ and Councilman Victor Hernandez.
During the meeting, at which only Ysidro Gutierrez showed up, Ysidro Gutierrez proposed that Councilman Hernandez resign his position as City Councilman. In exchange, Gutierrez assured, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Aurora Chaides-Hernandez (the Councilman’s wife) would not be opposed in the 2014 March primaries or the 2014 general election. Ysidro Gutierrez went on to say that should Councilman Hernandez not resign then, Ysidro Gutierrez was ready to have Judge Chaides-Hernandez undergo 4 elections in 2014. Specifically, Gutierrez stated that he had two individuals ready to run as Democrats in the 2014 March primaries, which would insure a run-off.
Furthermore, Gutierrez assured Mr. Abeyta that he had another two individuals ready to run against Judge Hernandez (a Republican and an Independent) which would necessitate a run-off in the November 2014 general election as well.
City Councilman Victor Hernandez stated, “I have consistently urged the residents of District 1 to remain calm and be respectful of the process and the people involved in the recall initiative. While I certainly understand the Gutierrez’ frustration, I have stated publicly on numerous occasions that I will not resign my position on the Lubbock City Council.”
Councilman Hernandez concluded by stating, “I look forward to a spirited campaign as the recall election date draws near. In the meantime, rest assured that I, and my family, will continue to serve our community.”
The last day for Councilman Hernandez to resign is Monday, June 10, 2013.
Ysidro Gutierrez co-hosts a Sunday afternoon talk show from noon until 1 p.m. on KFYO.