Less Than A Month Remains Of The Vehicle Registration Waiver In Texas

It's time to get those registration stickers updated fellow Texans. Texas Governor Greg Abbott's waiver of different vehicle title and registration requirements will expire on Wednesday, April 14th. The temporary waiver was put into place in March of 2020 to cut down on foot traffic and risk exposing people to coronavirus.
And while April 14th seems far away right now, the last thing the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles wants is millions and millions of Texans waiting until April 13th to take care of their vehicle registration.
The good news is that there are three ways to renew your vehicle registration according to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and KXAN.
- Online at TxDMV.com or www.Texas.gov is the quickest and easiest way, TxDMV said, and you can save $1 on fees. It’s available for up to nine months past your expiration date.
- By mailing the bottom portion of your registration renewal form, payment and other required information to your county’s tax assessor-collector
- In-person at your county’s tax assessor-collector office. Contact your county tax office for hours and locations. It’s possible you can renew in-person at certain grocery stores, as well.
In Lubbock County, the Tax Assessor-Collector's Office has asked citizens to make appointments for service. You can visit the Lubbock County website for more information and to make an appointment. You can also call 806-775-1344
Before you attempt to get your registration renewed, don't forget that first you must get your vehicle inspected. Inspections are good for 30 days.
The waiver that is expiring covers other services as well including, vehicle titling, renewing of permanent disabled parking placards, thirty-day temporary permits, initial vehicle registration, and of course vehicle registration renewal.
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