Lamesa Man Accused of Stealing From Building & Setting It on Fire

Thirty-four-year-old Deven Oran Bomar was arrested on Monday, June 28th, 2021 after it's said he broke into a building and set it on fire.
The incident in question happened back in August 2020.
KAMC News reports that Bomar is accused of breaking into the law office of Whitten, Strange and Walker, stealing computers, checks and credit cards, and setting the building on fire. Police say that Bomar gave the stolen checks to an unknown person to fill out and cash with the agreement that half would be given to him.
That person tried to cash a check at the King's Convenience Store at 2117 50th Street and at Melek Buddy's Check Cashing at 518 50th Street. Then, the person cashed a check for $200 at the Walmart at 11415 Quaker Avenue. Shortly after, they tried to cash a $1,200 check at Ace Cash at 4646 34th Street, but was unsuccessful.
While leaving the Ace Cash Express, they saw a Fire Marshall Office investigator, so they threw the checks out onto 34th Street nearby Coronado High School.
When confronted, the person told investigators the checks were stolen from a law firm, and that Bomar had used a stolen credit card to buy a bow and arrows.
Bomar wasn't arrested until June 28th, 2021 on charges of fraud, burglary of a building, theft of property, accident involving damage and interfering with a police animal. He remains in the Lubbock County Detention Center on bonds totaling over $80,000.
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