Glen Robertson Discusses Controversial Social Security Mailer [INTERVIEW]
Tuesday on The Chad Hasty Show, candidate Glen Robertson joined Chad in the KFYO studio to discuss issues and answer questions in the race for District 19 Representative.
Robertson and Hasty discussed several issues, including Citizen's Tower, verteran health care, the hot topic of Social Security, and the mailer that his campaign recently distributed.
While talking about Social Security, Robertson said,
Means testing I have a lot of problems with, because that means if you've worked hard all your life, you've been responsible, if you've saved for your retirement, and you've lived within your means, now under means testing, that's government code for "we're going to take money away from you in Social Security. Money you've paid in, and we're going to transfer that over to people that haven't been as responsible, that haven't worked as hard." It sounds like Bernie Sanders to me.
Listen to the entire interview with Glen Robertson in the video above.
You may find more information about Glen Robertson on his campaign website.
The Chad Hasty Show airs weekday mornings live, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM and Saturdays 2 PM to 4 PM on News/Talk 790 KFYO, online at, and on the free RadioPup app. Follow Chad on Twitter via @ChadHastyRadio & KFYO Radio at @KFYO!