Dustin Burrows Discusses Campaign for House District 83 Nomination
Dustin Burrows is a candidate for the Republican nomination for House District 83 in what is expected to be a special election in November 2014. Charles Perry will create a vacancy when he leaves the position in November to run for the District 28 State Senate seat. Burrows joined Thursday's edition of Pratt on Texas to discuss his candidacy for the nomination.
Robert Pratt asked Burrows exactly what is motivates him to run for the position and what he stands for. Burrows responded, saying, "I feel like I could bring some conservative West Texas values to Austin. . . I'll be a staunch defender of property rights. . . You'll also see some fundamental economical principles that I'd like to apply to education. . ."
Burrows also strongly stated that he'll respect the rule of law. "You shouldn't have to go hire a lawyer like me to go figure out what the law is. It needs to be plain, plainly written, so everybody can do it, so everybody can be a law abiding citizen. . .", Burrows said in the interview.
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