Dr. Rollo Discusses How Lubbock ISD School Will Work This Summer & Beyond
Tuesday on KFYO Mornings with Dave King and Matt Martin, The Superintendent of the Lubbock Independent School District Dr. Kathy Rollo joined Matt and Dave to talk about summer classes, the blending of physical and online classes in the future, feeding kids during the summer, Chromebooks, registering new kids for school, construction and bonds, and more.
The school year is almost over, with May 22nd being the last day scheduled for remote online classes. Dr. Rollo started the discussion by saying that they are already planning for both summer classes, as well as what the next school year is going to look like. For summer classes, Rollo explained that since 1st-12th grade kids will have their Chromebooks at home, there will be optional enrichment activities for both parents and students to do, "just to keep their minds going and to have some things for them to do during the summer since they are social distancing." She hopes that by July, they will have some small face-to-face groups to fill in some of the learning gaps that have occurred.
Dr. Rollo was asked if she anticipates some parents not being comfortable sending their kids to school the following school year. Rollo said that she would love to be able to start school normally, but she does not really expect that to be the case. They are working on blended options for both physical location learning and remote learning. She later reinforced that parents will have options.
The Superintendent was also asked about their current and future programs to feed kids. She explained that currently their program provides breakfast and hot lunch for kids at 16 curbside locations, and with 24 bus routes through neighborhoods, Monday through Friday, and that they are extending the plan through June. She went on to explain that as we move into July and August, they do plan to have some food service, but it may look a bit different.
Watch the full interview with Superintendent Dr. Kathy Rollo in the video above.