Dennis Bonnen Addresses Conservative Groups’ Complaints About Legislative Session [INTERVIEW]
On Tuesday's edition of The Chad Hasty Show, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Dennis Bonnen joined Chad to discuss the 86th legislative session in Texas, and reported on progress on issues like teacher's pay in the state, property tax reform, and more.
Bonnen and Hasty also talked about the recent actions by Chris McNutt from the group Texas Gun Rights, who, attempting to influence lawmakers on the issue of 'constitutional carry' of firearms, improperly appeared in what was viewed as a possibly threatening manner, at legislators' homes and offices.
During the discussion about McNutt's actions Bonnen said,
To show up at a residence, when you know the person you're supposedly wanting to have influence know where they are, and you know that they are not at that home, that's despicable.
Listen to the entire interview with Speaker Dennis Bonnen in the video above.
The Chad Hasty Show airs weekday mornings live, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM on News/Talk 95.1 FM and 790 AM KFYO, online at, on the fantastic & the free KFYO App, as well as on all Alexa-enabled devices using the KFYO Skill. Follow Chad on Twitter via @ChadHastyRadio & KFYO Radio at @KFYO!