Thanks to Climate Change, Lubbock Just Broke a 21-Year-Old Weather Record
It's too hot to write.
Yesterday in Lubbock, we reached the internal temperature of a prime rib cooked rare. Well, almost.
The actual temperature according to the weather guys was 107 degrees, which broke a Lubbock record set way back in the year 2001. You know, back when gas was $1.45 and Bobby Knight was about to start his run as Red Raider Men's Basketball Coach. Yeah, good times.
As KLBK meteorology-type guy Jacob Riley posted to Facebook yesterday:
Yeah, brutal.
Everywhere I went, it felt like I was living this meme:
I swear, though, that it had to be much hotter than that yesterday, as I caught this temperature in my car yesterday. Mind you, this was even after I'd been in the car for a few minutes and the temperature had time to acclimate to the actual temperature outside.
Yeah, milk was a bad choice, Ron.
Last night, even my little dogs had no issue going tinkle after the sprinklers went off overnight. It's almost as if the noise woke them up, and they decided that it was COOLING TIME! Sure, when they came back in they smelled like wet dog, but that's a small sacrifice for canine happiness.

And yes, I did hear a few folks comment that this was a direct result of climate change. Yes, it was. They're called seasons, and they change every year. It gets hot here; this should not surprise anyone.
The good news is that this week we do expect that we will be closer to normal, with highs only in the upper to middle 90s. I believe that's sweater weather around these parts. You may need a parka at night, and maybe even an ice scraper.
And just like the song says, wear sunscreen.