Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show, Chris Wilson from WPA Intelligence joined the show to share his expert opinion on the recent U.S. Senate race poll in Texas showing Senator Ted Cruz (R) and Democrat challenger Beto O'Rourke in a very close race.

Wilson and Hasty discussed the intricacies of reading voters in Texas, and why the poll does not represent what is actually happening in Texas voters minds. About the poll's accuracy, Wilson said,

Not only was it a sample of the wrong people, it was a sample of people who don't vote, and even whenever they did talk to those people who are going to vote, as I wrote yesterday, it looked more like a poll of voters in California than it did voters in Texas. I know Texas voters pretty well, and they love Greg Abbott and they love Ted Cruz, and I will make the stunning prediction I'm sure, right now on your radio show, that both of them will be reelected in November overwhelmingly.

Listen to the entire interview with Chris Wilson in the video above.

You may find out more information about Chris Wilson here.

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