Braddock Talks Texas Redistricting, Homeless Encampments, More [INTERVIEW]

Monday on The Chad Hasty Show, Scott Braddock, editor of, joined the show to talk about the latest news from the Texas state capitol.
Braddock and Hasty talked about the start of the legislative session and how it is being affected by the coronavirus crisis, the proposed ban, being encouraged by Governor Greg Abbott, on camping in public areas, to force cities to regain control of public areas and homeless encampments, as well as redistricting, and more.
While speaking about the homeless encampments in Austin, Braddock said,
In this city we do have, I think it's fair to say just objectively, I live here too, it's a crisis with what's gone on with our homelessness situation.
Listen to the entire interview with Scott Braddock in the video above.
More news, information and commentary from Braddock may be found at:
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