Friday on Lubbock's First News, Mayor Glen Robertson discussed the censorship of citizen comments and other topics that made the meeting agenda Thursday.

The mayor spoke about the Duck Dynasty style protest of the censorship of citizen comments from televised broadcast. Robertson said, "we have a problem as a council and we are going to have to come up with a solution. They made it very clear they didn't like the solution we were headed toward."

The mayor discussed the assessment of the need for a bond election. He noted a consensus is still lacking among the council. A Citizens Bond Advisory Committee was formed for focused analysis. He said they will be looking at need, when, where, content, and format. Robertson said a bond election should be used when considering changes for the city that are not core necessities. Robertson also talked about the need to begin using cash reserves that have been built up to begin reducing debt across various departments.

The mayor discussed options for the future of the library in Lubbock. He feels there is a need to go back and ask whether the city wants to continue with a branch system or consolidate the branches into one location. Finally he noted the agreement to add more land to the area around the new Walmart to be constructed on 114th and Quaker.

Listen to the full interview:

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