With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting American's mental state everywhere in the U.S., the personal-finance website WalletHub has compiled their list of 2020's Happiest States in America.
WalletHub compared the 50 states using 32 key factors of happiness in order to determine where Americans have the highest satisfaction with life...
With World Teacher's Day coming up in a few days, and teachers working hard to implement social distance and online learning due to the pandemic, the personal-finance website WalletHub has compiled a list of 2020's Best and Worst States for Teachers...
The list places states like Massachusetts in position 1, Vermont in position 2, and New Hampshire at 3. Then, other the other end of the list, Mississippi finds itself in position 51, Georgia at 50, New Jersey at 49, and finally, Texas finds itself way back down in position 48.
WalletHub also includes some comparisons of the "Best vs. Worst".
Scottsdale, Arizona has the highest share of the population ages 65 and older, at 23.4%, which is 3.2 times higher than Fontana, California at 7.3%.
Brownsville, Texas has the lowest adjusted cost-of-living index for retirees, 75.78, which is 2.6 times lower than San Francisco who has the highest at 195.86.
St. Louis has the most home health care facilities per 100,000 residents, at 57.18, which is 29.9 times more than Fontana, California with the fewest at 1.91.
Some additional facts include Detroit having the highest share of single persons at 73.85 percent, with Fremont, California with the lowest at 37.46 percent. El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico tied for the lowest average restaurant-meal cost of $25 which is four times lower than Pearl City, Hawaii with the highest cost at $100.