Dr. Kathy Rollo

Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center Has Open House Tonight
Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center Has Open House Tonight
Byron Martin Advanced Technology Center Has Open House Tonight
Tonight, November 5th, the Advanced Technology Center will have an open house. Their target audience is 8th graders and their parents, but it will be open to the community as well. This will be an opportunity for people to go to all of the different programs and visit with the teachers. The event will be at the ATC at 3201 Avenue Q, and will go from 6-7:30 P.M.
Dr. Kathy Rollo Talks Back-To-School and LISD Staff Salaries
Dr. Kathy Rollo Talks Back-To-School and LISD Staff Salaries
Dr. Kathy Rollo Talks Back-To-School and LISD Staff Salaries
Dr. Rollo was also asked about the report that came out that made the top salaries of LISD staff known to the public. In the report, there were several six figure salaries, and none of them were teachers. Dr. Rollo responded by saying, "Well if you think about our school district and compare it to a large business, our district serves 27,000 students, and we have over 3,000 employees. We are charged with safety and security of our students and employees, we are charged with ensuring that our students are academically successful, plus all the extracurricular things that we offer. It's a lot of work to make sure things are running smoothly and efficiently, and so it takes a team of us to make that happen."

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