A recall effort against a Lubbock City councilman is underway, and the officeholder has responded.

Former Lubbock County Commissioner Ysidro Gutierrez has announced the formation of a political action committee to head up the efforts to attempt to trigger a recall election against District One Lubbock City Councilman Victor Hernandez.

In order to get a recall election, a petition for recall must be signed by 30 percent of qualified voters in the councilperson’s district.

The group will need to garner 448 valid signatures in District One, and ten percent of the voters must certify that they voted for the councilperson in the election in which they were elected. Their signature on the petition is the same as having signed an affidavit.

There are 1,491 voters in District One.

The PAC says they are heading up the recall efforts “due to the long train of grievous breaches of duty, trust, and conduct unbecoming an elected officer.”

City of Lubbock
City of Lubbock

Hernandez weighed in, saying “I would encourage all people to be courteous to and respectful of Ysidro Gutierrez, Beatrice Perez, Frank Gutierrez, and any other person who is soliciting signatures for their recall petition.”

“I would also remind the public that you have the right to refuse to sign their petition. I would ask that your response to anyone soliciting your signature be ‘No thank you, I do not wish to sign your petition’ or ‘No gracias, no quero firmar su peticion.”

The recall petition papers must be returned to City Secretary Becky Garza’s office within 30 days after the filing of the affidavit. The councilperson is then given five days after the petition is verified, and if the officeholder does not resign, the City will order a recall election.

Ysidro Gutierrez co-hosts a Sunday afternoon talk show on KFYO from Noon until 1 p.m. 

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