Ports-to-Pains Construction Projects Receive State Funding
TxDOT and the Texas Transportation Commission this morning approved more than $230 million dollars in funding for Ports-to-Plains Corridor construction projects. The funding is among $1.4 billion dollars in transportation construction funded by Proposition 12 bonds.
The construction on the Ports-to-Plains projects should start next summer. The construction approved for the Lubbock TxDOT District: a US Highway 87 overpass at Woodrow Road at a cost of $10 million; reconstruction of the I-27 frontage roads in Plainview at a cost of $17 million and an upgrade to State Highway 349 from the Martin County Line to Lamesa at a cost of $8 million.
Amarillo TxDOT District projects approved for funding: US Highway 87 expansion from the Moore County Line to US Highway 385 at a cost $15 million, US Highway 87 expansion from Dumas to the Hartley County Line at a cost of $11 million and expansion of Loop 335 from I-27 to I-40 at a cost of $40.46 million.
The most expensive project in the region will be the construction of a Highway 87 Bypass in Big Spring. That project will cost $63.7 million dollars.