Lubbock City Council To Meet Monday, Press Conference On Tuesday
As coronavirus numbers continue to rise in Lubbock and with Thanksgiving less than a week away, the Lubbock City Council will meet virtually on Monday, November 23rd in both a Work Session and Executive Session.
According to the agenda released by the City of Lubbock on Friday, the Lubbock City Council will meet in a special Work Session to discuss the coronavirus pandemic, responses, the fiscal impact it has had and measures the council could take.
After the Work Session, the Lubbock City Council will then meet Executive Session with an agenda item on declarations or executive orders.
According to KAMC, Lubbock City Manager Jarrett Atkinson said the meeting is meant to provide information to the Lubbock City Council. KAMC reported that there were no items up for a vote.
Later on Friday afternoon, the City of Lubbock announced a virtual press conference scheduled for Tuesday, November 24th. According to the press release, the press conference will be about the coronavirus pandemic in Lubbock.
The press conference will occur at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday.
The City of Lubbock also officially announced on Friday the closure of large city-run facilities and sports venues. KFYO previously reported that the announcement of the closures would happen this week.
The City of Lubbock announced that the Civic Center will remain closed at least through December 2020. Also, no rentals of athletic complexes like the Tom Martin Youth Sports Complex, the Burgess-Rushing Tennis Center, and the Berl Huffman Athletic Complex. The City of Lubbock did say that previously scheduled turf practices should continue at Berl Huffman through November 23.
Museums and libraries will remain open for now in Lubbock and Community Centers will be closed beginning November 23. The City of Lubbock also announced that Citibus would continue operations.
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