Lt. Governor Dan Patrick Asks “Active Shooter” Video Game Distributor To Not Release Game
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick has sent a letter to Valve Corp., a video game distributor, asking that the company not release a video game that is supposed to be released on June 6th.
The video game "Active Shooter" allows players to shoot up a school and kill students, teachers, and police officers. The game is currently planned to be released on Steam and was developed by Revived Games and published by a Russian company called Acid according to CNN.
In a press release, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas said "no good can come from this game".
“We are still burying those who were lost in Santa Fe. As the lieutenant governor of Texas, I am personally asking you to stop the release of this game and never bring it to the market. I am appealing to you on behalf of the school shooting victims and students and families across Texas and the nation. Outside of your personal financial gain, no good can come from this game. I am counting on you to do the right thing.”
You can read Patrick's full letter to Valve Corp. here.