Did Yesterday’s Snow Storm Bring Out The Lubbock Crazy Crowd?
Yeah, I'm not going to lie, that looks dangerous, but also REALLY Freaking FUN!

It seems like every single time it snows here on The South Plains, we get our share of pretty photos of landmarks such as the Buddy Holly Statue covered in snow, or the famous Smiling Bush with a dusting of white.
Sure, those are nice, but let's be honest for a minute. What we really want to see are people doing some highly questionable things, most likely fueled by boredom and alcohol.
Hell yeah.
Then again, have we lost our edge here in the Hubbaplex? I mean, it's been almost 7 years since YouTuber @CSmithPhotos released this amazing video of some backroads snowboarding here in Lubbock.
Shreddin' The Caprock, yo.
That looks like an amazingly fun time. And for some reason we aren't seeing enough of this kind of stuff. What's the matter, Lubbock? Lost your nerve?
Whenever it snows, we usually have the day off, which means plenty of time to make some seriously questionable decisions. But for some reason, we just aren't seeing the level of insanity that these weather events generally bring. It's almost like Lubbock has gone soft, or something.
To that, I say that there is no excuse. This situation requires a really futile, and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part. And here in Lubbock, we're just the guys to do it.
Go out, do something insane. Take a chance, risk losing a digit or two, but darn it people...we need to bring the fun back to days like this.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to throw a snowball at Wes Nessman. He loves that stuff.