While there is a variety of great advice out there when it comes to handling Lubbock snow, there is one tip that I tend to see go unnoticed.

You probably hear everyone go on and on about how to drive on icy roads, how to prevent your pipes from bursting, so on and so forth. But what about advice on parking your car outside in the snow?

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Living in Lubbock, many of us have to park outside whether we live in an apartment complex without covered parking, are a student parking on campus, or simply don’t have enough garage space. Whatever the reason, it is always a hassle to be stuck parking outside when a winter storm passes through. Not only is your car extra cold, and easy to fog up, but it is likely covered in snow. That snow is what I'd like to focus on.

Obviously, we all know that you have to get the snow off of your windshield before you can drive. However, it seems like there are far too many people that think the only have to clear the snow off of the front windshield and nowhere else.

Photo by Berke Citak on Unsplash
Photo by Berke Citak on Unsplash

Far too many vehicles are on the road with a huge pile of snow on top of their vehicle. There are also a shocking number of cars I've seen the past two days that are on the road with their entire back windshield covered in snow.

Not only is it a hazard to other cars on the road when you leave snow on your car, but it is obviously leaving some people with huge blind spots. You might think that it’ll just slide off as you drive, so it’s not a big deal, but the snow and ice flying off of your car while driving can cause accidents and damage to the cars around you.

It takes just a few minutes to clear all of the snow off of your car. So, instead of being a hazard to those around you, just wipe it off before getting on the road.

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