Is Dan Patrick Right? Is City Government To Blame For America’s Problems? [POLL]
In an interview last week that is still generating buzz here in Texas and around the nation, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said city governments are to blame for problems in the United States. According to the Texas Tribune, Patrick was being interviewed by FOX Business when he talked about people being happy with Republican-led state governments but unhappy with local and in particular, liberal-led cities.
"People are happy with their governments at their state level, they're not with the city," said Patrick, a Republican, in an interview with Fox Business Network. He was responding to a question about gubernatorial races.
"Our cities are still controlled by Democrats," he added. "And where do we have all our problems in America? Not at the state level run by Republicans, but in our cities that are mostly controlled by Democrat mayors and Democrat city council men and women. That's where you see liberal policies. That's where you see high taxes. That's where you see street crime."
Do you agree with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick? Are cities to blame for America's problems?