Incoming LISD Superintendent Dr. Behrl Robertson Says Future Of LISD Will Focus On Student Performance [AUDIO]
On the Wednesday edition of The Chad Hasty Show, incoming Lubbock ISD superintendent Dr. Behrl Robertson spoke with Chad Hasty about his vision for the future of LISD.
Dr. Robertson is a West Texas native who has been in the education field for over 20 years. He will be taking over for former superintendent Dr. Karen Garza, who announced her resignation in April. Garza will now serve at the superintendent of Fairfax County Schools in Fairfax, Virginia. Robertson had been serving as the interim superintendent, but was officially given the position by unanimous vote during an LISD board meeting on June 1st.
Robertson said that his vision for the future of LISD focuses intently on improving student performance. He plans to start that improvement in the early education years, and working up from there.
"My vision for Lubbock ISD is for every student to do weel, to graduate high school, and to be college or career ready. I think that's the most important thing we do. Whether that success is in fine arts program, or whether it's in academic programs, whether it's at International Baccalaureate program at Lubbock High School, whatever that looks like...there is no reason that we cannot be one of the best districts in the state."
Robertson acknowledged that there would be some challenges involved, especially when looking at LISD's relatively low testing scores. But he remains confident that once performance improves, the district can then focus on other issues.
Robertson also discussed how some new state policies will affect LISD next semester. Concerning House Bill 5 and the dissolution of C-SCOPE, Robertson said that these actions will help the teachers focus more on teaching what they would like to teach, as opposed to just teaching to the test. He added that he would like to see a new curriculum that will be rigorous, but more importantly, relevant to students.