Governor Abbott Endorses Primary Opponent of Lyle Larson
Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed the primary challenger of state Rep. Lyle Larson of San Antonio. This is the third time he's targeted a legislative incumbent from his own party.
Abbott said in a statement Monday that ex-Hollywood Park Mayor Chris Fails "will be a valuable ally in the fight for conservative values."
Larson has angered Abbott in the past by backing an unsuccessful proposal prohibiting the governor from appointing large campaign donors to state positions. He's also championed stalled bills on term limits.
Chris Fails is trying to unseat Larson in Texas' March 6th primary.
Abbott previously endorsed primary challengers against Republican state Reps. Sarah Davis, of suburban Houston, and Wayne Faircloth of Galveston.
Abbott's campaign says such opposition is unusual — though not unprecedented — for Texas governors.
Chris Fail's campaign website has praised the endorsement by Abbott.
"Conservatives like Greg Abbott are trying to advance a conservative policy agenda which is being thwarted by liberal Democrats and Republicans like Lyle Larson."