Voters in Frenship ISD and Plainview approved some of the more high-profile Local Option elections held on Tuesday.

Frenship ISD voters, by a wide margin, approved the Tax Ratification Election which will shift two cents of property tax revenue from Debt Service to Maintenance & Operations. FISD states they will use the additional funding for its Pre-K program.

Voters in the City of Plainview approved over five different bond packages which will fund improvements to city facilities and major streets in Plainview.  “We are so grateful to the people of Plainview,” says Mark Kimball, Citizens Advisory Chair. “The citizens have made a great step to move Plainview into the 21st Century.” The total cost of the approved bond packages is over $24 million.

Voters in O'Donnell approved a petition for alcohol sales in both stores and restaurants within city limits. In the election, 119 voted Yes (83%) and 25 voted No (17%). According to the TABC the election was for the sale of "All alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages".

Voters in Denver City rejected a petition to allow alcohol sales in both stores and restaurants. The results after Tuesday's election were 113 votes Yes (47.68%) and 124 votes No (52.32%).

Finally voters in Southland ISD approved their own Tax Ratification Election with 31 votes Yes (94%) and 2 votes No (6%). The TRE will allow Southland ISD to maintain $1.17 property tax rate, which is significantly above the $0.99 rollback rate. According to Southland ISD all of the revenue generated from the $1.17 property tax rate will be used for Maintenance & Operations.


(Election Results Shown Below)
Summary of City of Plainview bond packages: Proposition A - 24th Street Reconstruction: $7,150,000 of general obligation bonds for street and drainage improvements, including 24th street.
Proposition B - City Hall/Police Department: $6,000,000 of general obligation bonds for acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement, relocation and equipment of municipal buildings, including a police headquarters and a city hall.
Proposition C - Fire Station No. 2 Relocation: $5,325,000 of general obligation bonds for acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement and equipment of Fire Station No. 2.
Proposition D - 16th Street Pool Reconstruction: $3,800,000 of general obligation bonds for construction, renovation, expansion, improvement and equipment of the 16th Street pool facility.
Proposition E - Downtown Improvements: $1,480,000 of general obligation bonds for downtown streetscape improvements.
Proposition F - Baseball Field Improvements: $1,500,000 of general obligation bonds for the construction, renovation, improvement, expansion and equipment of baseball/ softball facilities at Broadway Park and Regional Park.


Frenship ISD
Prop. A- TRE Election
City of Plainview Bond Packages
Prop. A- 24th Street Reconstruction
Yes958 total votes78.08%
Prop. B- City Hall/Police Department
Yes953 total votes61.07%
Prop. C- Fire Station 2 Relocation
Yes951 total votes60.36%
Prop. D- 16th Street Pool Reconstruction
Yes952 total votes51.68%
Prop. E- Downtown Improvements
Yes950 total votes50.74%
Prop. F-Baseball Field Improvements
Yes949 total votes55.32%

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