Do You Support or Oppose President Obama’s Trade Proposal? [POLL]
Republican lawmakers are working with President Obama to fast-track legislation that would give the President new powers when it comes to international trade. According to NBC News, most Americans are hesitant on the deal.
Despite a heavy push by President Barack Obama for a sweeping multinational trade deal, a majority of Americans echo the concerns of labor unions and a number of Democratic members of Congress that the trade accord will negatively impact U.S. workers and companies.
Two-thirds of Americans say protecting American industries and jobs by limiting imports is more important than allowing free trade so they can buy products at lower prices from any country, according to the most recent NBC News online survey conducted by SurveyMonkey from June 3-5.
And that sentiment is held across party lines, with majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and independents agreeing that limiting imported inexpensive goods from other countries to protect jobs from other countries is more important than being able to buy cheap goods.
After a dramatic showdown in the Senate over giving the president "fast-track" authority to negotiate a sweeping multinational trade pact, the fight now moves to the House where the majority of Democrats oppose the legislation amid worries that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive 12-nation trade accord, will cost American jobs and result in lowered middle class wages.
What do you think? Let us know in today's KFYO Poll of the Day.