Chad’s Morning Brief: Rand Paul’s Campaign Doesn’t Seem to be Going Well and Another Planned Parenthood Video is Released
Here are some of the issues that will be discussed on today’s edition of The Chad Hasty Show.
What's Wrong With Rand Paul's Campaign?
According to POLITICO, the Rand Paul campaign is a disaster. Paul continues to lose ground both in the polls and in the money race.
They described an operation that pitted a cerebral chief strategist against an intense campaign manager who once got into a physical altercation with the candidate’s bodyguard. And they portrayed an undisciplined politician who wasn’t willing to do what it took to win — a man who obsessed over trivial matters like flight times, peppered aides with demands for more time off from campaigning, and once chose to go on a spring-break jaunt rather than woo a powerful donor.
They sketched a portrait of a candidate who, as he fell further behind in polls, no longer seemed able to break through. Paul, lionized as “the most interesting man in politics” in a TIME magazine cover last year, was supposed to reinvent the Republican Party with his message of free-market libertarianism, his vision of a restrained foreign policy, and his outreach to minorities.
Instead, he has been overshadowed by louder voices like Donald Trump and better-funded figures like Jeb Bush. His theory of the 2016 primary — that Republican voters would reward a candidate who promised fresh ideas and an unconventional approach — has not borne out in reality.
While things aren't looking good for Paul right now, he still has a chance to turn things around. That could start during the debate when he is able to offer new ideas. The first debate could launch Paul back into the spotlight where he will be talked about. Right now, no one is talking about Rand Paul.
Another Planned Parenthood Video
Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday that it was hiring a crisis PR firm to handling the bad news stories surrounding videos that were secretly tapped. Also on Tuesday, another video surfaced. According to FOX News, in this video a technician gave details into harvesting fetal body parts.
A technician who said she worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest fetal tissue said there’s “incentive to try and get the hard stuff ‘cause you’re going to get more money,” in the latest undercover video targeting Planned Parenthood.
“For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage,” said Holly O’Donnell, identified as an ex-procurement technician for StemExpress, a Placerville, Calif., company. “The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.”
The new, graphic video from the Center for Medical Progress appears to show technicians using tweezers to pick through aborted fetal tissue for baby parts. After one person in the video picks out a pair of intact kidneys someone off-camera laughs and says, “Five stars!”
O’Donnell said she fainted the first time she was part of this process and was told by someone in the room, “some of us don’t ever get over it.”
Disturbing and very sad.
Other Must Read Links:
These and many more topics coming up on today’s edition of The Chad Hasty Show. Tune in mornings 8:30-11am on News/Talk 790 KFYO, streaming online at kfyo.com, and now on your iPhone and Android device with the radioPup App. All guest interviews can be heard on our KFYO YouTube page after the show and online at kfyo.com.
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