Chad Wheeler with Carpenter's Church of Lubbock visited with Lubbock's First News' Tom Collins and Laura Mac on Tuesday.

Wheeler shared the news that an anonymous donor will match dollar-for-dollar donations made from now until midnight December 31, up to $40,000.

According to Wheeler Carpenter's Church, which came out of but is nit affiliated with Carpenter's Kitchen,  is a church which focuses on those in homelessness. They provide the city's only seven-day-a-week day shelter, in addition to life skill's class, anger management classes and other social services  their members need.

Wheeler said that due to the generosity of some of its donors Carpenter's Church is looking to expand it's supportive housing efforts.

Supportive housing helps provide a support system for those working their way out of homelessness and according to Wheeler ,"Helps avoid or minimize the problems that led to homelessness in the first place."

It is a great time to support and (help provide) a long-term solution for homelessness. The funds given to Carpenter's , that's what we are really big on, tryign to  find long-term solutions," he said. "We want to say,'What's something we can do to meet needs on a long-term basis?' (We want to) help people really climb out of poverty and homelessness."

To donate top Caprpenter's Church you can visit their web site at, or you can mail donations to: Carpenter's Church, 1918-13th Street, Lubbock, Texas, 79401. Donations are tax deductible.

To hear all of Wheeler's interview click here:kfyolfn_ChadWheeler_122314



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