As far as Texas phobias are concerned, you'll find different answers for the number one spot depending on where you look. So, let's take a look at some contenders for Texas' biggest fears.

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Most common phobia in Texas states that, as of 2023, a fear of heights, or acrophobia, is the most common phobia in Texas. This one always baffled me. Why do we need an official phobia just to indicate a perfectly natural fear.

Is it not normal for humans to look down from 50 feet in the air and not at least have a little bit of healthy panic? I know, I know, those suffering from acrophobia just experience a higher level of fear than others.

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash
Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Stairs, balconies, parking garages, you name it. These can all trigger an unreasonable fear of heights in some people in Texas.

Another source,, indicates that a fear of snakes is the most common phobia in Texas. Again, a normal fear is perfectly warranted, healthy even. But when the nagging anxiety from the threat of snakes affects your day-to-day lives, that's when a phobia is is born.

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Fear of snakes is actually called ophidiophobia (say that 5 times fast) and affects about 1 in 10 U.S. adults. They picked a good state as well, as Texas has more snake species than any other state.

After all of this, you finally take into account this third source, CBS 19, who answers, simply, what's Texas' greatest fear? Everything...

That's right, everything. Given the sheer number of Texans googling "why am I scared of...", they couldn't pinpoint an exact phobia, so they just slapped a one-size-fits-all Band-Aid on it and called it good.

To make it even more interesting, the same study found that Wyoming and North Dakota had no fears at all... I know where I'm moving next.

10 Greatest Texas Fears And Phobias compiled the top 10 phobias of Texas based on Google searches. Did your biggest fear make the list?

Gallery Credit: Noah Sherwood

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If you're spending time outdoors in Texas you will want to avoid these six deadly snakes if at all possible.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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