Wednesday on The Chad Hasty Show, District 19 U.S. Representative Jodey Arrington, Lubbock County Republican Party Chairman Steve Evans and former the former party Chairman Carl Tepper joined the show to share their impressions of President Donald Trump's first State of the Union address which took place last night.

Asked by Hasty for his initial thoughts, Steve Evans said,

It was fantastic...This is the first...positive speech that we've heard in nine years. So we've got young college students, maybe young high school students that are starting to pay attention to what's going on in the world. They've heard nothing but Barack Obama for eight years...So for the first time in nine years we've got a positive outlook.

Representative Arrington and Tepper joined the broadcast as well, via telephone, to provide their thoughts. During the conversation, Hasty listed key moments in the speech which should have had great appeal to any American, including: low black unemployment, bonuses being received by employees across the nation, 2.4 million jobs created, having and showing respect for the American Flag and the National Anthem, as well as fully securing the national border, merit based immigration, fighting opioid abuse, and the U.S. officially  recognizing Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. Hasty asked Arrington about his reaction to Democrats in the chamber who "sat on their hands", emotionless, refusing to applaud along with others in the audience during those moments. Arrington replied,

My reaction was, as an American, it's sad, because again, these folks represent our fellow Americans around the country. And you've just got to wonder: Is it that bad that when you're talking about getting drug pushers off the street, and you're talking about some of the things that President Trump mentioned like, the lowest unemployment for African-Americans and Hispanics? I mean, that's cause for us to celebrate as a nation...It's unfortunate and it's sad, and it's disappointing.

Arrington continued, saying, "From a political strategy standpoint...the Democrats are really setting themselves up for a weak mid-term [election].

Carl Tepper, who was a guest of Arrington at the capitol, shared his impressions of Representative Arrington's performance and acceptance during his freshman term in the capitol,

There were some great people who ran for that congressional seat, but it looks like Lubbock and Abilene and District 19 made the right choice. Congressman Arrington is able to operate very well here...It's very natural for him...He has very good relations with all the members of Congress [including even tough Democrats].

Listen to the entire interview with Representative Jodey Arrington and Carl Tepper in the video above.

The Chad Hasty Show airs weekday mornings live, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM on News/Talk 95.1 FM and 790 AM KFYO, online at, and on the free KFYO app. Follow Chad on Twitter via @ChadHastyRadio & KFYO Radio at @KFYO! You may also watch the show LIVE via streaming video on the KFYO Facebook page.

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