Anton ISD Superintendent Jim Knight Talks About Bomb Threat Made Against Campus
Yesterday, February 20, a bomb threat was called into Anton ISD which forced the evacuation of the all-grades campus.
In an exclusive interview, Anton ISD Superintendent Jim Knight (pictured) appeared this morning on Lubbock's First News on KFYO to discuss the threat. The bomb threat was called into the secretary of the Anton High School principal around 8:30am.
Knight said after receiving the threat the first thing they did was implement their campus evacuation plan and call police. "It was a collaborative effort (at implementing the plan). Our people did a great job," Knight said. Buses arrived at the football field to pick up the students after they were evacuated and they were taken to the Anton Church of Christ fellowship hall.
A School Reach Message from Knight reached Anton parents and advised them of the student evacuation. "Every parent received the School Reach Message about two to three minutes after it is issued. Some of the parents beat us to the Anton Church of Christ to pick up their children," Knight said.
The Hockley County Sheriff's Department, Lubbock County Sheriff's Office Bomb Squad and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) investigated the campus. Bomb sniffing dogs swept the campus and found no threats. An all-clear was given after 11am.
However, the threat was taken seriously and considered credible. "We had a ceiling tile that was pushed aside in the (high school) principal's office," Knight said. "Our maintenance man said he hadn't done it. Because if we wouldn't have had that, we would have thought it was a prank. We were a little unrestful knowing there was a ceiling tile moved."
Classes were cancelled for the remainder of the day, yesterday in Anton. The missed day of classes probably won't have to be made up.
You can listen to the complete interview right here on KFYO.com:
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