Yogurt is normally considered a healthier choice, right? Well, it looks like some people believe that yogurt commercials can cause you to have eating disorders.


General Mills pulled a commercial for Yoplait brand yogurt following complaints from the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). According to some, the commercial, which shows a young woman "agonizing" over whether or not to have a piece of raspberry cheesecake, could reinforce the idea that mental deliberations like these are healthy and normal.

I've seen this commercial plenty of times. Not once did it occur to me that this ad was glorifying eating disorders. I look at it, and all I see is a commercial for yogurt that (supposedly) tastes just a good as a slice of raspberry cheesecake.

I can somewhat understand where the NEDA is coming from. Seeing a skinny woman agonizing over the idea of a piece of cake making her fat? Yeah, I can see that being an issue for some. But personally, I think the NEDA overreacted on this.

You can see the commercial here and judge for yourself. Is this really, as some say, "a 20-second look at the mind of somebody with an eating disorder," or just a yogurt ad?

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