William Shatner Loves Deep Fried Turkey, Warns of Dangers in Auto-Tuned PSA [VIDEO]
We’re all familiar with public service announcements telling us what we should and shouldn’t do, but as with anything else, some are better than others.
Last year, State Farm released a PSA regarding safe turkey fryer use, because they’ve apparently gotten tired of paying out for people burning their house down trying to dunk their dinner in hot oil.
They drafted William Shatner to do the commercial, and a year later, decided to do a remix of the safety message.
They auto-tuned the message to make a newer PSA, this time combining two of my favorite things; auto-tuning and William Shatner.
Though Thanksgiving may be over for 2012, the turkey-frying season never ends, so this message is useful and enjoyable for any time of year.
Who knew that the Shat might fry his turkeys like common people?
Hat tip to Jen at Epbot.com for publicizing this video.