WHY. Just WHY do some people not get bit by mosquitoes?

Like, what's the deal? How come they can carry on with their lives and not worry about bites from those little blood-sucking aliens?

Well, it turns out an expert in Texas (Texpert?) has some answers.

An entomologist (basically a bug scientist) with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service gave us the brass tacks on why some people are more targeted by mosquitoes than others.

Mosquito Factors

Dr. Sonja Swiger stated that there are a variety of factors that affect how tasty we smell. These factors include what we eat and drink, our overall body temperature and our body odor.

Also, in order for a mosquito to smell humans, they rely on CO2--carbon dioxide--that we exhale.

What does a drunk person and a pregnant woman have in common? Higher carbon dioxide output (what, you thought that was the start of a joke?). So, those types of people tend to see more mosquito bites than others.

Other factors that increase presence of mosquitoes include the following:

  • High potassium diet
  • Lactic acid build-up
  • Type O blood

So Many Mosquitoes After Hurricane Beryl

Hurricane Beryl's aftermath saw heavy rainfall in many parts of Texas, creating the preferred damp and humid environment that skeeters just love so much.

Dr. Swiger also stated that mosquitoes, because of their shorter lifespans, tend to stay around the same area rather than constantly travelling. So, it's important to find the source if you find yourself constantly slapping yourself in your own home or yard. This way you can rid the area for good once you find the spawn point.

10 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Here are some things you might want to plant in your garden this summer.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

10 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In Texas FOREVER

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Gallery Credit: Piggie , Canva

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