What’s on the Ballot in the November 2020 General Election?

With the early voting period extended by 6 days in Texas, more Lubbockites are showing up to vote early than they have in previous general elections, including the one in 2016 that led to the inauguration of President Donald Trump. But what exactly will Lubbockites see on this year’s ballot?
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have served almost 4 years in office and are currently running for reelection in 2020. They face Democratic challenger and former Vice President, Joe Biden, and his vice presidential pick, Kamala Harris, a Senator from California. Jo Jorgensen is also running for President on the Libertarian ticket, and Howie Hawkins is running on the Green Party ticket.
As far as statewide elections go, Republican Senator John Cornyn, first elected to his office in 2002, is running for a fourth term in 2020 against Democratic challenger Mary “MJ” Hegar, a veteran and former Air Force pilot. Also in the race is Kerry McKennon for the Libertarian party and David Collins for the Green Party.
The U.S. Representative of District 19, with includes Lubbock County and a portion of the South Plains, has been Jodey Arrington since 2017. He is running for his second term against Democrat Tom Watson and Joe Burnes of the Libertarian Party.
State Representative Dustin Burrows of Texas District 83, first elected in 2015, is running for reelection against Democrat Addison Perry-Franks. State Senator Charles Perry of District 28 is running for reelection unopposed.
Republican businessman James Wright is currently running for one of three seats on the Texas Railroad Commission, currently led by Republican Christi Craddick, which oversees the oil and gas industry in Texas. Wright is running against attorney Chrysta Castaneda on the Democratic ticket, as well as Matt Sterett of the Libertarian Party and Katija Gruene of the Green Party.
Positions on the Texas Supreme Court are also at stake in the 2020 election. According to Ballotpedia.com, Republican Judge Nathan Hecht is running for reelection for Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, Place 1. Amy Clark Meachum, a judge on the Texas 201st District Court, is running against Hecht on the Democratic ticket. There are also races for Place 6, 7, and 8 on the Texas Supreme Court.
In local races, Lubbock Mayor Dan Pope is running for reelection against Stephen Sanders. Jorge Hernandez is running unopposed for Lubbock Municipal Court Judge. Lubbock County Sheriff Kelly Rowe is also running for reelection unopposed.
Those are just a few of the high profile races on the ballot this year. To view a full sample ballot for the 2020 general election, visit VoteLubbock.org and select “Sample Ballot”.
According to their website, more early votes are being cast this year than in the 2016 election. On Wednesday, Oct. 14, over 9,571 people voted early, up about 15% from the 8,285 people that voted early on the 2nd day or early voting in 2016. The City of Lubbock is also showing an increase of more than 17,000 new registered voters since the 2016 election.
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