TxDOT Project to Expand Intelligent Transportation System
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is set to begin work on a $691,771 project that will expand the Lubbock District’s Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) by adding six Dynamic Message Boards (DMS) to the network.
Work to install DMS along I-27 in Hale and Swisher counties, US 60 in Parmer County, US 84 in Bailey and US 87 in Lynn County is scheduled to begin on the week of June 5, said Jeremy Dearing, P.E., TxDOT operations engineer and project manager.
“Impacts to mainlane traffic will be minimal but motorists can expect various shoulder, and possible short-term mainlane closures. Drivers should stay alert and minimize distractions when entering the work zone for their safety and the safety of the workers,” Dearing said.
The ITS provides real-time information to be used to craft messages to the traveling public relating to vehicle crashes, weather or highway conditions that might be causing bottlenecks, congestion or hazard travel via the message boards.
Messages provide motorists travel and safety information regarding:
Incident management—If traffic slows significantly due to accident or disabled cars that cause distractions then a message could go up warning motorists that traffic is backed up,
Weather conditions—Ice on the roadway or low visibility because of blowing dust, fog or heavy rain or snow,
Roadway conditions—Problems with pavement or slow or congested traffic because of highway construction or routine maintenance and, Amber or Silver Alerts.
The project’s completion is scheduled for fall 2017.
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