Monday on The Chad Hasty Show, Tom Martin and Matt Rose joined the broadcast with guest host Paul R. Beane to talk about energy issues, Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L), The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), and the future of electrical energy on the South Plains.

Tom Martin is the former Mayor of Lubbock and former member of the Lubbock City Council. Matt Rose is LP&L's Public Affairs & Government Relations Manager.

The three discussed many angles of the energy issue and LP&L's proposed move from the Southwest Power Pool to ERCOT. Martin shared his views and reasons for being against the move to ERCOT, and Rose provided LP&L's views and reasoning in support of the change.

While introducing his reasons for opposing the plan, Martin said,

You have to be careful what you ask for, because the history of the deregulated, so-called deregulated power market in the majority in the state of Texas has not been one that really has led to any reduced costs for the average homeowner. If you're a large industrial user that's using millions of megawatts per month, you have a lot of negotiating power. But the poor old average homeowner is stuck with actually paying higher rates than we pay in Lubbock today.

Listen to the interview with Tom Martin and Matt Rose in the video above.

The Chad Hasty Show airs weekday mornings live, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM and Saturdays 2 PM to 4 PM on News/Talk 790 KFYO, online at, and on the free RadioPup app. Follow Chad on Twitter via @ChadHastyRadio & KFYO Radio at @KFYO!

Matt Rose, Public Affairs & Government Relations Manager

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